How to Pack a Storage Unit

by Beth Ann Berman 10/28/2018

If you intend to sell your house, you may need to put various personal belongings into a storage unit. By doing so, you can eliminate clutter from your residence, thereby increasing the likelihood of a quick, profitable home sale.

However, packing a storage unit sometimes can be difficult. Lucky for you, we're here to help you make the most of the storage unit space at your disposal.

Let's take a look at three tips to help you optimize the available space in a storage unit.

1. Plan Ahead

Think about the storage unit space that is available and consider the items that you'll be keeping in the unit itself. Then, you can plan accordingly.

When in doubt, it often helps to rent a storage unit that provides more than enough space. And if you're unsure about how much space that you'll need, you can always reach out to a storage unit provider for extra support.

Typically, a storage unit provider can offer expert recommendations about the size of the unit that you'll need based on your belongings. Consider these recommendations closely, and you can select the right-size storage unit to accommodate all of your belongings.

2. Ensure Your Boxes Are Easily Accessible

It may be tempting to stack all of your boxes together in a storage unit. But for those who want to maximize the storage unit space that is available, it usually helps to stack boxes in a way that guarantees they are easily accessible.

Creating aisles of boxes in a storage unit will make it simple for you to access a box without having to move other items out of the way.

Furthermore, place boxes with items that you may need most frequently at the front of a storage unit. This will ensure that you can enjoy fast, seamless access to these boxes.

3. Dismantle Furniture

Couches, chairs and other furniture can take up lots of space in a storage unit. Conversely, if you remove the legs from furniture, you may be able to free up space in your storage unit.

If you decide to remove the legs from furniture, you may want to tape the legs to the furniture itself. Also, don't forget to place related furniture bolts and screws in a plastic bag, attach the bag to the furniture and label the bag.

Renting a storage unit is a major decision, one that should not be taken lightly. Fortunately, if you work with a real estate agent, you can choose the right storage unit provider.

A real estate agent is happy to help you sell your house, as well as put you in touch with the best storage unit providers in your area. That way, you can secure your belongings in a first-rate storage unit until your house sells.

Get the most out of a storage unit – use the aforementioned tips, and you should have no trouble keeping a wide range of items in any storage unit, at any time.

About the Author

Beth Ann Berman

Welcome to the Blog Site of Beth Ann Berman, your Number 1 Real Estate Professional serving in Springfield, PA and surrounding areas.